Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nikki - Next Generation

Name: Nikki Altruant

Age: 18
Gender: Femme

Parents: Mistaria Firesprings II and James Altruant (this dimension's version of Misty and an O.C.)

Appearance: Nikki is a rather large girl, standing at five foot eight, with broad shoulders and some pretty finely toned legs, if she may so herself. She has long dark auburn hair, a mix between her mother's fiery red and her father's pure black hair. She has dark green eyes, and a sprinkling of freckles across her nose. She generally wears shorts and t-shirts of no particular color.

Her most notable feature, however, is not her gorgeous head of hair or her long, muscled legs - it's her right arm, which is a cybernetic arm made of a sturdy steel alloy. There are six slots in the arm for pokeballs, which she can store her pokemon in, and if she needs to, she may access the powers of one of her pokemon through the arm.

Personality: Nikki is rather reserved and not terribly outgoing, having had to deal with being too tall and too muscular for her gender, and thus her social experience has been limited. She enjoys sunsets and sitting atop abandoned buildings, trying to look for wild pokemon across the landscape. Nikki enjoys feeling like a protector, so she doesn't mind not being too close to many people, as long as she can keep them safe.

History: Nikki remembers when the end of the world began. It was three years after the Victribeel attack, when the livid grass pokemon sprayed acid on Nikki's arm, and no expense was spared to replace the arm that had been slowly eaten away by the pokemon's poison. It was only a year after her mother had handed her Ferness' pokeball, telling her that now that she was eleven, she could begin training to follow in her mother's footsteps as the Kohen region fire gym heroine. And then the world ended.

Somehow, Nikki was one of the select few that survived the apocalypse. Already five foot three at twelve years old, and the daughter of one of the world's most powerful trainers, many of the survivors looked to her as a leader. It was a job she couldn't accept, but she did become the settlement's guardian, equipped with some of the last trained pokemon in the region and her extraordinary robotic arm.

Type of trainer: Guardian

Achievements: Won a Tough Contest Ribbon with her Torkoal (deceased), lived through the apocalypse, became the guardian of a small settlement of survivors.

Method of Dimension Travel: The cybernetic arm that allows her to absorb the powers of her pokemon allows her to use Haunter's dimensional-travel ability.


Species: Ferness
Nickname: N/A
Appearance: Ferness
Ferness is nine inches tall, a fire/grass type chipmunk pokemon. It's body is heat resistant and feels mossy to the touch. It is the first in a three-evolution chain.
Personality: Well, being a pokemon that can't talk, not much is known about Ferness' personality. However, it is known that Ferness loves limes, and had a very curious nature - thought that's just what you get for having a rodent pokemon.
Ability: The sun can heal, feed, and energize Ferness' attacks.
Attacks: Ember, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Tail Whip. (Will change upon evolution, if it occurs.)

Species: Meles
Nickname: N/A
Appearance: Meles
Meles is about a foot tall on all fours, a poison/steel badger pokemon. Meles is a difficult pokemon to own, as it gets angered easily and loves digging anything and everything with it's long, steel claws. It is said that the hue and brightness of it's purple fur determines how strong its poison is. It is the second evolution in a three-evolution chain.
Personality: Meles is sullen and dutiful unless angered, and then the pokemon is prone to attack viciously. It generally chooses to use its steel attacks more, either from a joy of hand-to-hand combat, or from respect for his owner's bad experiences with poison in the past.
Ability: Sturdy.
Attacks: Metal Claw, Acid, Slash, Poison Claw (Will change with evolution, if it occurs.)

Species: Haunter
Nickname: N/A
Appearance: N/A
Personality: Haunter is playful in a creepy way, often sneaking up behind people and channeling the giggling voices of the dead or poking his hand through someone's body for a laugh. Haunter tends to make creepy gurgling noises when he is bored, and he always whines for food even though he doesn't need sustenance to survive.
Ability: Levititate
Attacks: Thunderbolt, Hypnosis, Lick, Night Shade

Post-apocalyptic. The world was a pinnacle of technological advancement, largely focusing on bio-engineering and genetics, so that the world was full of spliced humans, pokemon, plants, and even pokemorphs. But disaster struck - a deadly genetic virus, literally known only as The Apocalypse, swept through the planet almost overnight. Within one week of its discovery, 80% of the world's people, pokemon, and even plants were completely gone. The survivors are assumed to have survived thanks to some unknown gene, but the truth of the situation isn't fully known - it just happened too fast for anyone to find any answers.

Dimension Spy: Professor Arkani, an Arkani-morph professor that works for Team Rocket.

Team Rocket Threat: Team Rocket is a public organization, one of the greatest suppliers of appliances, medical machinery, genetic research, and even a toy line. They have not been considered a threat or even the slightest bit illegal since the rumors of pokemon abductions blew over decades ago. Now, after the apocalypse, they are one of the few businesses that had enough people left alive, including the CEO, Giovanni, to continue running. They are currently researching dimensional travel to find a way to evacuate this broken universe and occupy another.

~ Hope you like it!!

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